3 Ways To Improve Office Productivity By Making Your Office Space Work For You

13 May 2019Justin

The Office Chair

Like you are guessing, having a comfortable and ergonomic office chair Gold Coast is the most important step towards enhancing your workplace.  No employee can work efficiently when the leg is numb, when there is constant need to shift positions or the back aches because of bad sitting posture. You can engage the services of furniture experts to help your design ergonomic office plan that keeps your employees comfortable on the chair without having cluttered office space.

Before buying office chairs, consider if the employee would need to adjust while working. Is the design of the chair ergonomic? What about lumbar support? Is it the material breathable? Does the chair have cushioning? If you need to move it around, does it smooth hooded casters to prevent dragging? Don’t neglect the tilt and tension control.  These features will determine how comfortable your office chair will be while working. The wonderful part is; you can get all these features with the help of professional furniture experts at Danny’s Desk. Equipped with modern tools, our experienced furniture experts can recommend the best office chairs for your office. We have quality chairs that have all the needed features and are pocket friendly. You can check out quality and ergonomic office chairs at Danny’ Desks

Your Desk

There are some things to consider while shopping for an office desk. The most important factor to consider is the position of your monitor, mouse, and keyboard.

Your monitor should be on par with the eye or slightly lower, so that when you’re working, you will be looking at the monitor at gentle downward position.  The larger the monitor, the farther you’re your face should be. Always maintain a minimum space of 20 inches. If you are working with many screens, like trifocals or bifocals, adhere to standard ergonomic designs. This will allow you know how deep the desk should be. Consider other things you need on the table; binders, books, paper blueprints or even art supplies. What about pens? Post-it-notes and paper clips? Or even a bulletin board. This will make you design your office space around determine if there is need for drawer, hutch or cubbies.

It’s also important you consider available space you have. Is there a window, a door, or are you using a shared space with many people?

Room Temperature

The room temperature goes a long way in determining how comfortable your employees will be in the office.  The temperature in most offices is usually around 60-70 Fahrenheit; this might not be favorable for office efficiency. A warmer room will make your employee more productive. If you are working in the office of an organization, you may need to bring your heater, blankets and sweater because you won’t probably be the only one controlling the office temperature.

if your work is from the home, you have more control over the room with temperature. You can open or adjust the windows, move your desk near the window or even choose the right temperature with your heater.