Benefits Of Taking Your Lunch Away From Office Desk

13 May 2019Justin

Staying all day at your desk is very unhealthy. Having lunch in your office has undesirable effects as well. Yet, it’s difficult to break this poor habit.

Being a working person comes with many responsibilities and deadlines. It may look as if moving away from your table will reduce your productivity though reverse is the case. Immobility makes us to become even heavier and makes it more difficult to finish work duties. Staying at the desk also creates more tension and stress. While it’s entirely reasonable to have snacks within your drawers to chew all through the day, your lunch break should go on outside the workplace. Continue reading for other tips on why you should take your lunch break away from your office desk.

Improve Health and Wellbeing

Are you aware that people who sit at a desk for over three hours straight are most likely to become depressed? Moving from one place to another helps heart circulation, and in any case, your lunch time is the only period of the day when you can stop looking at the computer screen or take some break from clients. Why use it sitting in a spot that can give you muscles ache or even long term health effects? For instance, weight gain is one of the main causes of bad health. Being sedentary or sitting still means that fat adds up in your body. Excessive weight gain can lead to heart disease, diabetes or many other problems.

Try using the stairs quite a few times during the course of the day or take fast 10 minute breaks to eat in the lunchroom. You sitting in a break room as opposed to being at your desk make your body to be better relaxed. You feel more motivated to relax for the period of lunch since you’re no longer on a task and rare things are more pleasing than eating decent food.

Improves Productivity

The truth is that there’s a limit to what the body can do. You may not understand, but there are idle times where you swing about in your ergonomic office chair. The times where you thoughtlessly sit around and can’t turn up some topics is your body informing you that you deserve a break. When blood and oxygen flow to the brain, it makes you become more industrious. This occurs when you move. It may be tough to resist missing a lunch break and evading the break room, but it will only make you less prolific at the end of the day.

Design and Furnish Your Organized Office with Danny’s Desks

Danny’s Desks is happy to create for your organization; the most creative, productive, and encouraging office environment possible with our office design and furniture expertise. We have the skill and tools to guarantee your office is productive, attractive, and a delightful center of activity in your facility. Stop by our office design and furniture website to see our inspiring and unique range of products.

Designing the Perfect Reception Area

If you are opening a new office or even a full office building, it is important you design a friendly reception area. Clients or visitors that come to your workplace will most likely spend time in your reception or waiting area, so it is crucial that it is neatly designed. After all, the waiting area will probably be the first space your customers see when they pay their first visit to your workspace. It is important that your visitors feel welcomed and at ease in your office, which should be a reflection of what your organization or company endeavor to represent. When you want to design the reception area, these objectives can be hard to envision and especially difficult to accomplish. Follow these tricks and tips to make the design of your reception area easy and fast.

Choosing Furniture

Possibly the most essential aspect of designing the new reception area is choosing and picking furniture that will blend with your company’s aesthetic while also fitting into the space. First, you need to decide on a reception desk. The reception desk must be the central point of your reception room; it should be the part of the room that customers’ eyes are attracted to first. It should be effortlessly seen and reachable from the opening of the reception area. When choosing a reception desk, ensure it has a drawer or storage that suits the need of your organization and also fits into the workspace very well. It is very important that the desks are kept clutter-free and clean, and the best way to accomplish this is to make sure that there is sufficient area to store up your things.

Next, consider seats for your customers and clients. Try to put together a professional, attractive, and comfortable reception area. Try to know how many customers come in and out of the office on any given business day to let you visualize the number of chairs you will need. Ensure that your office seating is not too big; it is imperative to provide enough room between furniture items so people can effortlessly scheme their ways throughout the room.

Colors and Decor

Definitely one of the most excellent ways to liven up your waiting area is through good blend of colors and some attractive decor. When picking furniture and colors, know that your choices will have an effect on how your guests feel and how they think of your organization or business. If you wish to achieve a comforting effect, consider going with blue or green for your walls. Avoid reds and yellows, as these colors stir up aggression and anxiety.

When you have taken a decision on colors and furniture, choose some interior decoration items that can create the mood for your waiting area. Helpful bulletin boards, aquariums, or water features are some ideas you can start with.

Prepared to Design the Reception Area?

If you are prepared to start the design of your reception area, Danny’s Desks is here to help you all through the whole process. Experienced and skilled, we have the trained professionals who have mastered the art of modern office designing over years serving clients across Australia. You can take advantage of our free office design to get that perfect reception area.